How to Avoid Getting Coronavirus While Going Outside?
In times of coronavirus, such an everyday act as shopping can become a difficult experience to manage, although if we take the appropriate measures, the risk of contagion is significantly reduced. Going outside to buy basic items is one of the few activities allowed outside the home during quarantine, so sooner or later you have to end up going through a supermarket or a store. Below, you can find a series of tips to increase your security when you do it:
The less the better:
This is the first basic rule. While the quarantine lasts, you have to go shopping only for the essentials. At stake is our health and that of everyone around us. Of course, when we do, we will always go alone, unless we accompany a dependent person.
No symptoms:
The main symptoms of Covid-19 are fever, shortness of breath and cough. When any of them appear, we must stay at home at all costs, even though they may seem mild (of course, when they get worse, you need to seek health help). This obligation also extends to the owners and workers of commercial establishments.
It is convenient to be very efficient when making our visit to the supermarket. The less time we spend there, the lower the probability of contagion. In this sense, it is very important to prepare a shopping list before going, to know exactly what you need and not waste more time than necessary.
Remember that the supply is assured and, therefore, we should not take more than we need so as not to end up wasting what was purchased.
Safety distance:
Social distancing is the most effective measure to slow the advance of the pandemic. Always keep, at least, a meter and a half of separation with the people you meet. If it is a small establishment, we must enter one by one and wait our turn at the door, always keeping that safe distance, to avoid the crowds inside.
Take care of your oral health:
While people are more concerned about washing their hands and clothes, also it important to clean your mouth to avoid the virus load in your mouth. You can use mouth wash, and other similar stuff to keep it clean. Moreover, some companies are still doing their best to bring more products like Dr ZinX Oral Spray a Japanese alternative to Hydroxychloroquine: Zinc + Hinokitiol, to make our oral health better safe and secure from viruses that lie in the air.
Cars and baskets:
Do not use supermarket cars or baskets, as they pass through numerous hands and are a potential source of contagion. The most recommended is that each one carries their own bags. Once at home, we will discard these bags and leave them in the recycling area. Now is not the time to reuse. If the bags are cloth, go to the washing machine. Of course, you have to wash your hands thoroughly before and after doing it.
The sequence would be as follows: when we get home, we wash our hands, we take out the products, we discard the bags and we wash our hands again. It is essential not to touch your face, mouth or eyes with your hands without washing. It is also convenient to disinfect the surfaces where the bags have been placed. With water and bleach is enough.
Pay by card:
Avoid paying with cash. There are many things that are still unknown about the coronavirus, but it is known that it remains on paper, copper, and other metal surfaces. If you always pay by card, you will reduce the risk of contracting the disease.
The use of gloves is only necessary to choose fruit, vegetables, and other fresh products that do not have a wrapper. The use of gloves is only necessary to choose fruit, vegetables, and other fresh products that do not have a wrapper.
Mask and gloves?
Wearing a mask if you are not sick is not an especially effective measure if you maintain the aforementioned safety distance. You will only need to be relatively close to the cashier or the cashier, who when they attend you should wear a mask.
Nor is it necessary to use gloves, except to choose fruit, vegetables, and other fresh products that do not have a wrapper. It is not necessary to put on gloves to take containers, but remember that afterward, you should not touch your face without having washed your hands.
If you are in a small shop, it requires that whoever attends you, in addition to a mask, wear fresh gloves to handle fresh products, which must constantly change if they touch money or other surfaces. Also, when you remove them, ask to wash with hydroalcoholic gel.