How To Set Up Offices And Businesses To Maximize Your Sales?
Contrary to popular belief, a company’s sales do not depend solely on the number of customers it receives on its premises. In fact, studies show that cluttered or messy offices and shops scare away customers, while optimally designed premises convert visitors into customers and increase sales.
Identify areas of passage for offices or shops
Before starting to arrange the commercial space, the hot zones also called passage zones as well as the cold zones, that is to say, the less frequented zones must be clearly identified. This analysis of the premises makes it possible to determine which places require special lighting or particular decorative elements. So, you must use fit out services to make better usage of space in your office or shop.
Display important information on the right wall
Since 9 out of 10 people instinctively move to the right when entering an office or store, the first wall on the right that attracts the most attention is, therefore, the one on which to display the most information. important. Studies show that a notice board located near the entrance to the store with a list of current promotions and new products can increase sales. As for the basket, it is an excellent tool for boosting sales: we see that customers with a basket extend their visit to the store by 15 minutes and spend 25% more.
Adapt to the activity
The layout of the premises must take into account the sector of activity, whether it is the layout of the window, displays or offices, or the direction of circulation of customers in the store. The same goes for the design of the furniture and displays, which will be chosen, for example, in a rather classic style for a bank, but more colorful and fancy for a souvenir shop.
Take care of the lighting
Too often neglected, lighting is nevertheless an essential element in offices and shops. With suitable and well-positioned light sources, it allows customers to focus their eyes on specific places in the office or store, helping to promote products so much that they can increase sales by up to 20%. In order to highlight certain items on displays, for example, recessed spotlights or on rails will be preferred to halogen spotlights.
Optimizing the layout of spaces
The organization of offices and shops must allow smooth circulation, throughout the store, furniture must not be too bulky to allow customers to wander as they please, and products stored in a logical manner and placed at the correct height. Therefore, you can go for an interior renovation in case you find that the layout isn’t good enough.
Drive the customer journey
The majority of offices and shops are laid out in a circular route and have sensors all along the way to direct customers’ attention to certain products and offers. There are also techniques that involve placing in the middle of the path displays assorted seasonal or special products, or promotions. These create a visual disruption, slow down the customer’s walk, encourage impulse buying and delay their exit from the store.
Set up a corner for promotions
Easy to set up, promotions can boost sales immediately and dramatically. It is therefore important to provide in the layout of the premises a space dedicated to promotions to present the product being promoted or the current offer.
If the layout of offices and shops has a real influence on sales, the atmosphere also plays a significant role. And creating an atmosphere with smells and music in addition to optimizing the layout of the premises further increases sales.