Side effects of Birth Control Pills
Today, contraceptive pills or simply birth control pills are a widely used method in women worldwide. Many choose to take care of themselves in this way and thus prevent the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy.
Among all the types that exist, the contraceptive pills are located in the group of those that have greater effectiveness. The tablets, which are taken on a daily basis, are made from hormones that prevent ovulation.
Although it is among the most effective methods, it is necessary to clarify that such pills can have, like any other medication, a series of adverse effects. In many cases they never appear, which makes the woman feel comfortable and at ease with the use of this method; in others, however, they manifest rapidly and can severely affect women’s health. Thus, we are going to find some side effects of birth control pills, so you can be more precise while taking these pills.
Before detailing what they are, it is essential to clarify that no contraceptive should generate discomfort or discomfort at any time, that is, this situation should not be naturalized. The goal is for women to be able to carry out their daily activities on a regular basis and that they do not have any complications as a result of the pills.
Mild bleeding or spotting is a very common symptom, as is increased sensitivity in the breasts.
In turn, women who take these pills can see their blood pressure elevated and feel headaches more regularly and more intensely than usual.
Nausea and bloating -especially in the abdomen area- are very common manifestations in those who use this contraceptive method.
It is worth mentioning that some of these side effects of birth control pills -especially aches and pains- could decrease with continuous intake, although it does not always happen this way.
Also, some people ask do birth control pills make you gain weight? Well, some women report that that gain weight while taking these pills. However, there were many types of research that happened but none of them could connect these two. Instead, noted that is a temporary side effect that happens because of fluid retention.
On the other hand, it is important to note that birth control pills increase the risk of certain pathologies, which are not inherent in the medication itself, but which can affect the patient’s health.
The appearance of blood clots, especially in the veins of the legs and lungs, is one of the potential pathologies that can be triggered by the use of oral contraceptives. Although this side effect is rare, it is the most common serious side effects of birth control pills. According to some research, pills that contain higher doses of estrogen or that contain cyproterone acetate or drospirenone as a progestogen are associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis.
For their part, the risk of having a heart attack or stroke is much higher in women who take contraceptives, although not in all cases. According to some studies, the overall risk did not increase in women who used oral contraceptive pills compared to women who did not.
While the risk doesn’t vary based on the type of progestogen. However, as per some researches, it has been noted that the risk of arterial thrombosis can be high as double in women.
In conclusion, according to this analysis, the risk of myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke is only higher in patients taking pills with a dose greater than 50 mg of estrogen. In this sense, then, the study ensures that tablets with a lower dose of estrogen would be safe.
For all those who take this type of medication, it is key to bear in mind that when some symptoms appear it is necessary to consult your doctor. Abdominal pain, breast nodules, chest pain, depression, difficulty speaking, and eye problems — such as blurred or double vision — are not expected symptoms of birth control pills; The same is true of fainting, jaundice — yellowing of the skin — seizures, an allergic rash, severe pain or swelling in the legs, significant mood swings, and the absence of menstrual periods.
None of the mentioned symptoms is frequent in women who take contraceptives, so if they appear it is important to pay attention to them and make an immediate consultation.