Top Advantages Of Taking An Online Medical Consultation
Due to the pandemic that is being experienced worldwide, most medical centers have adapted to the remote modality to care for their patients and in this way avoid a possible contagion of coronavirus, especially if the person is pregnant or is undergoing fertility treatment. Therefore, in this note, you will learn about the advantages of a remote online medical consultation.
Reduction of the risk of contagion in the pregnant patient
The care of a remote clinical consultation allows the patient not to have any risk of any type of contact, which in case of being pregnant, would reduce all types of the possibility of contagion externally.
Personalized attention from the comfort of your home
A great advantage of this modality is that the patient receives the consultation in a personalized way from the comfort of home, without having to go out and deal with traffic. For this service to be provided comfortably, the person must only have an internet network or have internet from their mobile phone, comply with the agreed time of the appointment with their doctor. This will allow you to receive all the time allotted to the consultation and thus will be able to resolve all possible doubts.
The wide staff of doctors available to attend to your queries
Having an online consultation portal provides patients with greater security since they can consult at any time of the day about any medication, pain, or doubt they have about the treatment they are undergoing. For this, the clinic has a highly trained staff for these occasions.
More detailed follow-ups with the patient
The online appointment modality allows you to keep track of the treatment the patient is undergoing, allowing you to closely monitor the entire process. The doctor in charge of the patient must provide the means to maintain contact with the patient, which will allow him to follow the patient’s progress and be able to resolve any complications that may arise.
Online prescription and home delivery
If the patient is undergoing a treatment that needs some medicines, the doctor can make an online prescription by visiting this website:, via mail, and send these via delivery, so that the person is not exposed or is affected. Also, if the clinic has these medicines, it can be a shorter process in the delivery of up to 24 hours.
Access to electronic medical record
An electronic personal health record system is a collection of health information that the patient can control and retain. This is obtained through a weekly email from the clinic, an app from the medical center, or a monthly report. This can be very helpful if an emergency occurs quickly, current diagnoses, medications, drug allergies, and physician contact information are readily available.
Step by step of remote medical consultations
Step 1: Access the website or call the health center to request a remote appointment at the official telephones: where an advisor will ask you to provide your information and choose an available date for the remote clinic appointment.
Step 2: If the remote appointment is obtained via the web, you must provide personal data, choose the specialty in which you want to be treated, and the doctor who will be in charge.
Step 3: Either by phone or web, you must choose the appropriate date for your remote appointment, these must be selected responsibly because sometimes it can no longer be changed.
Step 5: Having the date and time of appointment, the payment of this consultation is made according to the payment method of the clinic. This can be done by deposit or online payment.
Step 6: Finally, the agreed date must be met, have the right connection, and get the most out of the appointment.