What To Study To Be A Film Director?
A film director requires a very specific profile with extensive courses in the audiovisual world. For this reason, in addition to courses and studies, there is a university degree that undoubtedly shows the most direct way to reach the chair of the filmmaker, and that is Audiovisual Communication.
In addition, it requires especially specific skills to become a good director for the seventh art. Beyond creativity, soft skills are also needed, such as the adequate optimization of time to avoid long and unsuccessful shooting days, for example.
As a film director, you will also be in charge of a large number of people who, in this case, carry out very specific and varied jobs. Therefore, it is interesting that you know well the work of each of them. Among the many tasks, it is convenient that you understand the responsibility of the producer, the illuminator, the cameraman, the actor, the make-up artist, the wardrobe manager, the specialist, the scriptwriter… And so on with a long list of professionals who will be at your command.
What to study to become a film director
If you are interested in receiving adequate training to dedicate yourself to filmmaking and short films, you must know in depth how the audiovisual world works, the celluloid market, and the ins and outs of an entertainment industry that is growing and moving large sums of money.
There are very diverse film courses options to study Cinematography, but the most interesting is to enroll in Audiovisual Communication, a branch of Information Sciences that focuses on film courses for future professionals in traditional and digital media.
You will find this university degree with various nomenclatures, such as Cinematographic and Audiovisual Arts, Communication and Audiovisual Media, etc. With this training for the future, in addition, you will also learn many other tasks related to the world of image, such as television, radio, journalism, photography, design, etc.
Thus, in addition to directing cinema, you will also learn notions to direct commercials, short films, infomercials and television programs, radio programs, etc. And to that, we will add other interesting teachings in fields such as the script, the narrative, the production, the staging, the voiceover, the lighting, etc.
Once you have finished your higher studies, it is worth completing your training as a future film director with a more specialized degree in the field of Cinematography. In this case, you have a wide offer to focus on this sector through the options offered by universities and training centers in relation to masters and postgraduate degrees.
There are various possibilities to continue with your training and obtain the required knowledge to become filmmaking professional.
What is important to study in Cinematography
At this point, it is important to know various subjects that you will learn throughout your studies. For example history of cinema, audiovisual production and production, film genres, soundtrack, and musical setting, audiovisual narrative and film and television script, graphic design…
It is necessary that, as a future professional in cinematography, your theoretical base is optimal to be able to apply it in a practical way when you dedicate yourself fully to any of the professions related to the seventh art, either from the direction or from any other job.
What happens after film courses Cinematography
And many of you will ask, and then what? Let’s be honest. Today it is not easy to make your way into the world of film directing. It is a highly responsible position, which requires great dedication and talent. However, there are ways to get to this privileged position.
We find various professional itineraries through which many professionals manage to direct films for cinema, television, etc. Let’s look at some of the usual ones:
Directing short films: it is important that you start by learning about the world of short films. These works of less than 30 minutes in duration help you gain visibility in the artistic world. Submit your creations to contests and contests to gain relevance.
Enter the industry: You can also enter the film industry through other avenues. For example, as a producer, as an illuminator or director of photography, as a screenwriter, etc. If your dream is to direct cinema, in the end, you will achieve it with determination knowing the world well, and making good contacts.
Try other media: you can also direct the film by looking for indirect ways. Some professionals achieve realization in the seventh art after passing through the world of television or advertising. You can start working on series, on spot recordings, etc.
Finally, it will be your ability to lead teams, optimize your efforts, and the audiovisual talent that can make you a full-fledged film director.